This game is in active development, and needs some finishing touches to fit the official Tetris Guidelines. However, the core gameplay element should be completed.

This current branch is not official Cubotris, this is the testing branch for sound and srs. v5.2


Up: Rotate Clockwise
Down: Soft Drop
Left: Move Piece Left
Right: Move Piece Right
Z: Rotate Counter Clockwise
A: Rotate 180
Space: Hard Drop
C: Hold Piece
P: Pause Game
M: Toggle Sound

For those interested, here are the things that need to be fixed.

* Scoring Guidelines
* * PC detection
* * TSpin Detection
* * B2B detection
* * Combo Detection (Done, but not shown in UI)
* SRS kick table (Making it FEEL like tetris, and allowing for T-spins, the most glaring problem) I did a proper hachispin opener so I believe it fully works. It's SRS+ based on Tetr-io
* DAS and ARR (control conveniences) done! It's technically there, but it really feels wrong.
* sound (planning on using the minecraft soundpack here) (still need to do sidehit)
* some better UI
* * better text tetrio font!
* * clean up everything pls
* touch controls (like jstris) done! (I would like the hard drop to be on the left actually)
* I think I implemented Lock Delay correctly, but I need to implement the gravity not increasing past LVL 20, and then the lock delay decreasing. like idk what other versions of tetris do with lock delay/gravity past LVL 20.
* The holding system is broken. While swapping your pieces, it also deletes the next bag item.
* Some countdown system would be great, and it would allow me to use those sounds that I have
* DAS and ARR with touch controls (and soft drops)
* After playing for a while, the sounds get very buggy.
* Adding some fade out to the starting countdown and the reset countdown

The skin was inspired by btw
Active development is going on on, namely here. It is possible that I have moved on to v6 and not changed this link however.
If all else fails, the github can be found here, committed at each major update.
wow its 2346 lines rn